Ep #66 Cila është Gjenerata Kiu-Fiu? Një Sukses prej Tyre!

Nuk di kujt i kujtohet personazhi “Kiu-Fiu” nga nje film i vjeter shqiptar? E luante nje aktor nga Durresi…

Uroj tju jete kujtuar, ishte nje personazh i spikatur qe ne baze te fjaleve te tij : “quhem Kiu po me thone Kiu-Fiu sepse cdo kurs/trajnim qe vjen ne ndermarrje e marr une”

Dhe atij i shkoi jeta neper trajnime!

Ishte shume interesant por po kaq interesante eshte paralelja qe une gjej midis ketij personazhi dhe brezit te ri te ketij shekulli, ose me sakte, te lindurve pas viteve 90 te shekullit te kaluar. Me shaka, i quaj brezi ose gjenerata Kiu-Fiu. Arsyeja eshte e mbeshtetur ne pervojen time me kete brez. Jane aq te zgjuar, aq te pajisur me aftesi, me mundesi dhe oportunitete te zhvillohen akoma, sa ndjejne te vazhdojne te trajnohen para se te ulen dhe seriozisht te merren me jeten dhe karrieren e tyre.

Nje interviste me zonjushen Suhida Dermani, nje nga me te zonjat qe njoh nga kjo gjenerate, qe eshte sukses ne cfaredo qe ben dhe qe edhe pse po konsolidohet ne karrieren e saj ne fushen e burimeve njerezore, ndan mendjen dhe zemren e saj si pjese e kesaj gjenerate.

Uroj t’a shijoni sa edhe une intervisten!

Mendimet tuaja, mese te mirepritura

Don’t know who remembers the character “Kiu-Fiu” from an old Albanian movie? Played by an actor from Durres …


I wish you were reminded, it was a prominent character based on his words: “My name is Kiu, but theu call me Kiu-Fiu because I go and get every training course  training that comes along”


And his life went from one training to another to another yet!


It was very interesting but equally interesting is the parallel I find between this character and the Albanian younger generation of this century, or more accurately, those born after the 90s of the last century. Jokingly, I call them the Kiu-Fiu generation. The reason being – my experience with this generation. They are so smart, so equipped with skills, and covered with possibilities and opportunities to self-develop yet, that they feel they need to continue training before settling down and seriously dealing with their lives and careers.


An interview with Miss Suhida Dermani, one of the best ladies I know from this generation, who is successful at whatever she does and that while consolidating her career in the human resources field, shares her mind and heart as part of this generation.

I wish you enjoy the interview as much as I did!

Your thoughts, welcome


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