Ep #54 Programe Coaching = Stervitje Reale per Tregun e Punes?
EMI – COACHING AND CONSULTING is a company dedicated to providing ambitious people with educational and practical mechanisms and instruments
EMI – COACHING AND CONSULTING is a company dedicated to providing ambitious people with educational and practical mechanisms and instruments
Ep #53 Miq kliente ne interviste: Nje CEO i nje korporate, Nje CEO i nje biznesi familjar prej 25 vitesh,
Cila është arsyeja pse shumica e njerëzve, megjithëse përpiqen shumë, nuk mund të shkojnë përtej planifikimit të suksesshëm të karrierës
A conversation with a very good journalist about the prospects of being successful in Albania and not just a second,
How important is it to turn to a consultant when you plan to start a business or when you are
Se pari, a ia vlen te perpiqesh te krijosh biznes ne Shqiperi? Nese po, cfare e ku? Nese po, cfare
Me shume kenaqesi po ndajme mendimet qe dolen nga nje panel specialistesh te ndryshem te ndare ne dy kampe, punedhenes
Because the VEPRO-ACTs7x7 program is different from any other training! When you follow this short episode, you will find out
With Ms. Xhonsila we discuss the revenue administration and the three best pieces of advice on the way of choosing
What do we learn in the schooling system for money management? Nothing Nothing Nothing and none tell you what your