Ep #85 Nga Shën Valentini Te …BNj
A nuk eshte mire nga dita e deklaruar e dashurise, 14 Shkurti te kuptojme sa mire eshte qe cdo dite
Do you want to be a part of the next generation of successful business leaders? Do you want to become successful the right way, and give back to your family and community?
That’s our vision. That’s what we do.
Through coaching and consulting, in all the training, we build your business skills and connect you with successful businesses, professionals, and likeminded entrepreneurs.
Our network is exclusive, and all members who have access to our network have come through our programs. This ensures that EMI-CC’s members are skilled, experienced, and share our ethical business values.
We solve problems and meet opportunities together.
Get expert 1-on-1 coaching, join professional group sessions, and take your knowledge and network to the next level. Everyone who completes our programs becomes a part of our member network for life.
For anyone who wants to work wisely not more: 6 weeks (online or in-person) coaching and 3 weeks consulting sessions. One 60 minutes session per week. We evaluate your skills, interests, and values. At the end, you get a Career HIGHWAY Master Plan and the winning habits to daily put it in practice.
For each CEO or Board of stakeholders: The Dossier Meliden brings this dedicated, personalized Coaching Meliden program to the company by developing and/or receiving the vision of the owner/s and building bi-weekly the self-managed company by the senior staff and the new talents.
The only ones in the market who train you to become a coach. We provide serious group training and education, which takes place with a master class on one Wednesday a month, with live coaching every week from the master coach. Participation in the creation of your first clientele by the EMI-CC Club network. Expanding your network with professionals and like-minded success-minded peers
They are held on one Thursday every month for twelve months. We cover theory-practice on (1) Recruitment, (2) Performance Appraisal, (3) Employee Motivation, (4) Compensation (5) Human Resource Strategy, (6) Downsizing, (7) Strategic Planning of the Workforce, (8) Welcome-preparation of newcomers, (9) Training and Coaching of talents, (10) Setting objectives throughout the company (norming), (11) Senior Staff and the CEO , providing leadership, (12) Self-development and learning environment as a way of life in the company. You enter forever the network of professional colleagues in Human Resources, the best in the market with the mindset of cooperation as a means of self-development.
A nuk eshte mire nga dita e deklaruar e dashurise, 14 Shkurti te kuptojme sa mire eshte qe cdo dite
Miq ne you tube mund t’a shihni kete videocast me nje pjese te nje webinari me nje nga grupet tona
Jane te shumta pyetjet e bera nga miq e dashamires, por edhe nga ata qe mendojne te na bashkohen. E
Ep #76 Si mund te cilësoni NJE PERSON që sipas jush është e/i suksesshëm për 2019? Tri arsye pse?Jam me