Because the VEPRO-ACTs7x7 program is different from any other training!
When you follow this short episode, you will find out what this program does not provide, and what does deal with, stating that the answer to what to do to move forward in your career: start where YOU are NOW and ACT-ACT towards the future you aspire in the labor market and in your life.
Two more testimonials from two other successful participants in a VEPRO-ACT group, Eliana and Albi responded to some of the questions that are very much made by you, my friends, so I think maybe they also help you if you think you want to take care of your career, so here are some answers to how this program and we may be of service to you.
This comes as a continuation of episode 42, for example, when we go behind the scenes of the “VEPRO-ACT program”
And in the middle, there is an incomplete explanation by me 🙂 because I want anyone who has a question to get the full explanation contacting me directly during the working hours through the email
Also at you can find more specifications
Thanks for following me 🙂
Sepse programi VEPRO-ACTs7x7 është ndryshe nga cdo trajnim!
Kur ju ndiqni kete episod te shkurter, do te gjeni cfarë nuk jep ky program, dhe me cfare nuk merret, duke deklaruar qe pergjigjja per cfare duhet bere per te ecur ne karriere: fillo ku je TANI dhe VEPRO-ACT drejt te ardhmes qe ti aspiron ne tregun e punes dhe ne jeten tende
Edhe dy dëshmi nga dy të suksesshëm të tjerë, pjesemarres ne nje grup te VEPRO-ACT, Eliana dhe Albi iu pergjigjen disa pyetjeve qe jane shume te bera nga ju miq, ndaj mendoj ndoshta ju ndihmojne edhe juve qe nese mendoni qe me ne doni te mirrni ne dore karrieren tuaj, ketu gjeni disa pergjigje sesi ky program dhe sherbimi nga ne si kompani, mund tju ndihmoje.
Kjo vjen si vazhdim i episodit 42 psh, kur futemi dhe shohim pas kuintave te programit VEPRO-ACT
Dhe ne mes aty, një sqarim jo i plotë nga unë:-) sepse dua qe kushdo qe ka nje pyetje per te marre te plote sqarimin, ju lutem me kontaktoni ne ditet e punes permes
Gjithashtu ne mund te gjeni me shume specifikime
Faleminderit qe me ndiqni 🙂