Friends after the first episode with Mrs. Gurja, I had a lot of messages, some full of approval, some with questions and some contradicting. Just making it obvious, we are dealing in these two episodes with that group of graduates that have studied abroad and want and aspire to come back to work in Albania. Mrs Gurja is one that has successfully made it, the studying and working in the UDA and the coming back and making it happen in the Albanian work market, so I believe that is where the interested can find a bit of good advice and probably a mentor.
So let’s bring a post by a friend, Ardita (the comment that you can find in my facebook account, Elida Motro), who eloquently expressed her thoughts, as follows:
…’Elida I listened carefully to what Eneida said. It seems that she has had the “fate” to enter the labor market immediately because of the flexibility but also because (in my opinion – surely) that she had studied abroad. But not everyone has this “luck”. For Albanian students, it is difficult to enter directly as managers with the salary that accompanies this position. So they end up in call centers. The labor market is really oriented and there are paradoxes of different types. Many have come from America after studies because they go directly to senior management positions, and where they had studied, they would not be given this opportunity. While Albanian students will start in low positions and take years (if they ever get there) to reach such positions. This kind of contingent brings more confusion in the labor market in Albania”.
I wish in the second part of the conversation with Mrs. Gurja, to come up with some answers that can appeal to friends like Ardita, who, even though she is among the successful professionals in Albania, she gets the time to become a participant in this discussion that it is only done in family tables or in cafes. What happens nowadays in our big and prestigious TV studios is that the only themes that make it to become discussed topics are the scandals that occur more and more often, the findings of the studies high lightening the massive youth departure from the country, the announcements of protests and the forecasts for the upcoming elections, and very little there is a platform to talk about the youth who want to return to Albania. The main reasons that make them decide to come back are that they may be (a) in a foreign labor market that they cannot afford to enter, (b) they have the ideal to have little or no influence with their knowledge and experience on their homeland, or (c) because their family likes to and needs them physically close
With Mrs. Gurja, in the second part we talk about:
- Which industry or sector does she advise anyone to enter when coming from abroad?
- Successful routines of her tips for the policymakers concerning the youth coming from abroad
- Why linking education with the market skills may lead you to study abroad?
- How can you stay in the market prepared for every new challenge?
- Worst employment ever for her? etc
I wish you have a good listen and if you think that this episode helps someone you know, distribute this podcast, it’s free and it will remain so :-), thank you!
Miq pas episodit te pare me znj Gurja, pata shume mesazhe te llojit te aprovimit, te pyetjeve dhe te kundershtive.Ju kujtoj behej fjale specifikisht sim und te hysh ne tregun shqiptar ku ke studiuar jashte shqiperie dhe konkretisht ne rastin fatlum e te suksesshem te zj Gurja, ne amerike.
Te ndryshme mendimet, po do sjell nje postim qe mund ta gjeni ne llogarine time ne facebook Elida Motro nga nje mikeshe Ardita, qe shprehu ne menyre shume elokuente mendimet e saj, ja cfare thote:
Elida e degjova me kujdes cfare tha Eneida. Duket se ajo ka patur “fatin” te hyje ne treg pune menjehere si manaxhere per shkak te fleksibilitetit por edhe sepse (sipas mendimit tim – me siguri) kishte studiuar jashte. Por jo te gjithe e kane kete “fat”. Per studentet shqiptare eshte veshtire te futen manaxher direkt, me rroga qe i shoqeron ky pozicion. Prandaj perfundojne ne call center. Tregu i punes eshte vertet i corientuar dhe ka paradokse te llojeve te ndryshme. Shume kane ardhur nga Amerika pas studimeve sepse patjeter shkojne direkt ne pozicione drejtimi te larta, nderkohe atje ku studiuan, nuk do tu jepej kjo mundesi. Nderkohe qe studentet shqiptare do tia fillojne ne pozcione te ulta dhe duan vite (nese do te arrijne ndonjehere) te arrijne ne pozicione te tilla.. Ky lloj kontigjenti sjell me shume konfuzitet ne tregun e punes.
Uroj qe ne pjesen e dyte te bisedes me Znj Gurja, te dalin disa pergjigje qe mund t’I vlejne miqve si Ardita, e cila, edhe pse eshte nder profesionistet qe ne shqiperi jane te suksesshem, merr Kohen te behet pjesemarrese ne kete diskutim qe behet vetem ne tryeza familjare apo ne ato te kafeneve. Cfare ndodh kur neper studio e medha dhe prestigjoze temat me interesante ngelen skandalet qe ndodhin gjithmone e me shpesh, gjetjet e studimeve per largime nga vendi, njoftimet per protesta e parashikimet per zgjedhjet e ardhshme, dhe shume pak ka nje platforme ku te flitet per ata te rinj e te reja qe duan te kthehen ne shqiperi per disa arsye qe mund te jene (a) ne tregun e huaj te punes nuk ia dalin dot, (b)kane ideale te ndikojne sado pak me njohurite e pervojen e tyre ne vendin ame, apo (c) sepse familja e tyre I do dhe ka nevoje per ta fizikisht afer
Me Eneiden, ne pjesen e dyte flasim per:
- Ne ke industry ose sector dhe keshilla per dike te hyje dikush kur vjen nga jashte
- Rutina te sukseshsme te saj
- Keshilla per politike beresit
- Lidhja e shkollimit me aftesite e tregut, dhe a duhet studiuar ne shqiperi apo jashte
- Si mund te qendrosh ne treg e pergatitur per cdo sfide te re
- Punesimi me I keq, etj
Ju uroj degjim te kendeshem dhe nese mendoni qe ndihmon dike, shperndajeni kete podcast, eshte falas dhe keshtu do te ngelet sa te vazhdoje, faleminderit