Ep #37 For the Aspirants of Human Resources: Do You Know Your Path to Success?

Me fokus te Aspirantet e Burimeve Njerezore ne Shqiperi e Kosove
Shumë biseda, shumë diskutime si te organizohet me mire fuqia punetore me qellimin e perdorimit te potencialit sa me mire qofte per punedhenesit po edhe per punemarresit, punonjesit.
Dhe shoh qe shume pak persona, mendojne, artikulojne cfare duan te arrijne ne fushen e tyre te profesionalizmit dhe perfundimisht te bëjnë atë që duhet.
Znj. Doriana Mustafa vjen me dy ndryshime të mëdha në rrugën e saj ku ajo thotë sot: Jam e kënaqur me punën time dhe jetën time. Uroj dikush t’a shohë ndihmëse bisedën.
Focusing on Human Resources aspirants in Albania and Kosovo
Many conversations, lots of discussions on how to better organize the workforce with the goal of utilizing their potential better for employers as well as for workers, their employees.
And I see very few people, that think, articulate what they want to achieve in their field of professionalism and ultimately take action on what they need.
Ms. Doriana Mustafa comes with her two major changes in her professional path, from where she can say today: I am delighted with my work and my life!
I wish someone see this conversation helpful.

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