Ep #45 I Varfer kur Pasuria Jote Eshte Vetem Rroga?- pj 3
What do we learn in the schooling system for money management? Nothing Nothing Nothing and none tell you what your
What do we learn in the schooling system for money management? Nothing Nothing Nothing and none tell you what your
This new generation, has the inability or unpreparedness to be able to buy a home or even rent a house
Nje pyetesor qe kemi shperndare mbi temen ” Me mire te kesh shtepi me qera apo me kredi”? Mbi 100
This episode brings a quick and thorough view behind the scenes of our advanced training program, VEPRO-ACT on your career.
ACTs7*7 is one of our programs aiming at providing the participants for one year with the right mechanisms, instruments and
Kur nuk eshte qëllim në vetevete fitimi i parasë, ju lutem dëgjoni: Pikat kryesore: Pse shumë nga planifikimet e fillim
With the prestigious journalist, Dafina Hysa we discuss the latest findings of the World Bank, during March. It says among
What distinguishes a talent that shines at his work from another talent who is asked to leave from the same
Me fokus te Aspirantet e Burimeve Njerezore ne Shqiperi e Kosove Shumë biseda, shumë diskutime si te organizohet me mire
After a long, difficult and often costly education for you and your family, is it better to wait till you